This is a preview of VR Pad Station 2.0.1 enviroment that we use for develop VR Pad Station and check the VRBrain APM Copter and Plane customization before to real flight .
Here you can found the procedure for join Google Group community and download VR Pad Station for alfa testing :
Here you can found info for install SITL on linux . In my test enviroment i use VMWare with Ubuntu linux and follow this instruction for configure enviroment on my PC :
After installation in ardupilot directory Tools/autotest
you can found the file :
in mavproxy configuration : --master tcp: --sitl --out --out --out
you can change the ip adrress after --out with the ip of your PAD with Port 14550 . On your pad and on mission planner you need to choose UDP connection to port 14550 normally is default .
For found your ip address on your PAD there are a lot of app on Play store that are usefull for see what's your ip , keep atention if you use DHCP is possible that your ip change every time you connect to wireless network.
This is the screenshot of new Pannel available on VR Pad Station 2.0.1 in this pannel you can connect to drone , receive the parameter and choose what application do you want to start or going inside configuration pannel . If you are not connected you cannot select the application .
The actual release online is only compatible with PAD in the next week we finish the layout also for smartphone and release it.
This is the screenshot of Ground Station app . On all the app is available on the top main information about status of the drone : Battery , GPS Fix , Mode of Flight .
On the top on the right you can found the button for choose the other app available . The app share same mavlink connection so you don't lost time when you change app.
On the left of the screen you can see main navigation info , in the middle of the screen you can found the main command available :
Take off mode : It's a special guided mode we have implemented for take off your drone , we put the drone in guided at 5 meter and when you click take off after arm the drone the drone going in the sky. We test it at the field and it work fine , but at the moment is better to use these function only in simulation not in real world.
After you can activate guided mode and choose the point on the screen and the drone follow your command.
You can choose land or rtl when you want.
In this screen you can see the same information but inside artificial horizon , on the map you can see the wayoint you load to drone in last mission and a track with position where you start to fly and the actual position on the point where you guided your drone.
Here you can see on the left the Waypoint editor where you can add or delete waypoint manually or define automatic polygon waypoint creation, upload and dowload waypoint on file or on the drone.
If you decide to go in auto mode you can with auto button . In the middle there are the other button if you want you can retake control of your drone or in guided mode or by RTL or LAND.
This is the VR Radio APP integrated in VR Pad Station , this is a complete app where you control your drone as on your rc radio , you can choose to use PPMSUM output or MAVLINK protocol , if you choose mavlink protocol you can use the app for fly flight inside the SITL enviroment . If you configure Mission Planner or Lasernavigator 3D , you can see in realtime the position of your drone when you interact with virtual stick.
You can arm - disarm the drone , select stabilize and take control of your drone ... put it in loiter choose other app and start to enjoy with automatic functionality .
I'm enjoy a lot with this kind of configuration and i think that SITL is a great enviroment for guy of DevTeam . It's a valid solution for check if the app work fine before to go in the field for doing real flight.
It's a good solution for learn how your APM drone work , you can set different parameter by mission planner or Pad Station and see different reaction from your drone.
We are only in alfa stage but have a lot of idea to develop inside VR PAD Station , join us and give me your feedback so we can improve your user experience .