MP32F1V1 & MP32F1V3 users please read! Bug Fix!

/**************************** ENGLISH *******************************************/

After struggling with strange wobbling without being able to find correct PIDs, I have finally found the source of the problem.

This problem is affecting all MP32F1 users using either VRIDE or VRIDE PRO.

The bug was related to the micros() function of the Maple libraries.

To correct this before the latest relaease (currently under testing) unzip the attached file and replace the files in:

vrobotix-ide-x.x.x.x\hardware\leaflabs\cores\ for the VRIDE installation.

vrobotix-ide-pro\workspaces\MP32F1xx\ACopter32-\wirish\ for the VRIDE PRO installation.

This is quite critical, so please take the time to upgrade it before next flying.

The zip is here:

/************************ ITALIANO **********************************************/

Dopo diversi tentativi per capire cosa stava affliggendo il mio quad che nonostante PID tuning non smetteva di oscillare (piccoli scatti), finalmente sono riuscito a trovare la sorgente del problema.

Questo problema affligge tutte le piattaforme basate su MP32F1 sia che usino VRIDE che VRIDE PRO

Il problema era nella funzione micros() delle librerie MAPLE.

Per correggere il problema prima della prossima revisione del Firmware (che attualmente sto finendo di testare)  scaricate lo zip in allegato e posizionate i file nel seguente percorso relativo a quello di installazione:

vrobotix-ide-x.x.x.x\hardware\leaflabs\cores\per la VRIDE .

vrobotix-ide-pro\workspaces\MP32F1xx\ACopter32-\wirish\ per la VRIDE PRO.

La modifica è abbastanza radicale, quindi consiglio a tutti di aggiornare la vostra installazione prima del prossimo volo.

Lo zip si trova al seguente indirizzo:

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  • Hi Frank,

    I'm waiting your video :)

  • Perfect!!! Now I have to re-solder all my SimonK on the MP32F1 :( .... but it's for a good reason ;)

    Do you think that loiter will be better ? I had big problem to set up my PID with this. My Loiter is very fuzzy ... it doesn't stay stable...


  • Me too, I had this thing and always thought it was one esc.

    Then Roberto told me you had same problem and said it was probably that the esc was not compatible....

    But I saw the old firmware fly like a charme and could not believe it was the esc. So I dug and finally found this.

    Now it is the best ever!

    So little code change so big improvemenrt. Let me know!


  • Hello Emile!!

    I'm writing in English to be understandable for everyone.... ;)

    Thanks for your work!!I had a similar problem and I thought it was an ESC problem (SimonK) and I changed them for the old normal ones....

    Tomorrow I'll try to fly to see the difference with the old ones and then I'll try again the SimonK.

    Ciao !!

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