In the video I tested Loiter mode
Tested normal manual flight, alt hold, loiter and land - all Works fine
Alt hold and Loiter was impressive
In this test I used PPMSUM from my RX module
The CTX4 quad used in the test
T-motor 10" prop used. The motor Mounts/tube clamps have rubber rings to help reduce vibrations form the motors.
The VR Brain Controller is separated/vibration isolated from the frame using rubber Mounts (like the ones used on many camera gimbals, but smaller and softer) + soft pads
The motors are iPower MultiMate 2012 1000kv.
When using 4000mAh 3cell LiPo I get 12-14 min before the VR Brain LiPo alarm starts.
I plan to make one more frame CTX4L (large) - that have larger motors and can use up to 12" props. Have ordered the New VR Brain 4.5 + IMU to use on this one.
On that frame I´m going to Mount my VR Gimbal Controller and GoPro gimbal.
Finally I see your quad. really nice setup, and looks like it is flying great!!