After the VR micro Brain 5 we finally present you the VRBrain 5.
We had to work a lot on the operating system, new drivers and all the infrastructure to support the mission planner firmware repository, this is why it took so long to release the board.
Today the board is available on the store.
Here are the first pictures of the OEM version, I prefer to show you the board without enclosure because it's a jewel of technology :)
It will initially be available in the basic version, and only for more experienced users that will join our advanced developer program we will have available a version that supports up to 3 IMUs with (Accelerometers , Gyroscopes , Magnetometer and barometer ) and also support up to 2 VR Multiconstellation GPS Ublox 8.
The board has an on board CAN Bus driver, an SD Card and it's driven by the NuttX RTOS real-time operating system.
It natively supports Futaba and FrSky SBUS receivers (up to 18 channels) and will support Spektrum satellites
Full tech specification :
- CPU:
- ARM CortexM4F microcontroller with DSP and FPU.
- 1024KiB di flash , 192KiB of RAM.
- 1 SD Card Slot support until 64 gigabyte.
- Jtag support for onboard realtime debugging.
- IMU Sensor:
- mems accelerometer and gyroscope (different option , available pro certify ,too )
- barometer with 10 cm resolution.
- 2 SPI expansion BUS for optional IMU
- 1 sonar input.
- RC
- 6 RC INPUT standard PPM.
- 1 ARM Switch
- 1 SBUS input compatible with Futaba and FRKSY technology.
- 8 RC output ( 60 - 490 hz ) , 4 optional RC output ( in SBUS mode)
- Expansion BUS
- 1 CAN BUS .
- 2 serial port for interface VR GPS Ublox 8
- 1 i2c bus for magnetometer connection.
- Additional IN - OUT
- 3 Output Switch digitali (ULN2003) 2 LED 1 BUZZER.
- 1 input for voltage control.
- 1 input for current control.
- Dimension 6x4.
- Available plastic and aluminium case as option.
IDE and development kit .
- Eclipse IDE.
- Arm GCC Toolchain.
- Support real time debug .
For this platform are available many libraries developed by the community Virtualrobotix and Diydrones.
Native support of the operating system Nuttx rev 6.20 to 7.30.
Bootloading and Automatic Update standard and custom firmware.
Repository Server with native support Mission Planner 32 and 64 bit.
The supported UAV firmware are : APM Copter, Plane and Rover
Our dev team support and improve VRBrain NuttX operating systems and AP_HAL_VRBRAIN . The Hardware Abstraction Layer for integration with APM firwmare enviroment.
The mini site is available at :
For more info send a mail to :
The link where you can buy the board and find more info is this:
For this product is available a professional customer support program. University and Research Lab use VRBrain 5 in advanced research project. Join to our pro dev team today :) Some company that want certify their drone ask the support to our dev team for support during the qualification test .
For more info send a mail to
Hello Roberto
is it possible to have the datasheet for VRBrain 5.2?
We just received our board but we don't know how to plug JTag...
Thx a lot!
Hi Jiro ,
this is the link to repository ... where you can found last update :
Hi Jiro,
the version is update very fast . About what kind of version do you need more info ?