At least with the latest firmware, I was able to log IMU data and download it. This flight was a test with auto take-off, some waypoints with altitude changes and auto landing. I did it twice with the same result. I'm happy with my quad.
Here are some screens of X and Y acceleration data, GPS Data (Sat number and hDop), Altitude Data, and trace of the flight on GoogleMap.
Hello Emile,
I will wait some days before upgrading to new version. I had four more autonomous flights today (same pattern) without any problem.
I'm also working on the telemetry. I have a 434 Mhz ADF7020-27 set. I have some packet losses when using it in the lab with USB link to PC (APM software). I am looking for the USB for android tablet plug for field use.
Do you have any experience with data link and what is acceptable performance? (around 30% packet loss with my actual installation).
Yes previous firmware had the log download problem.
Now I just released version 3.1.12 aka 3.1rc7
You will find it at http://vrbrain.wordpress.com/version-3-0/