Hi, I need to know which basic settings must be done at first to have a successful first flight.
I did all the calibrations (acc, mag, radio), set the type of vehicle etc. in the initial setup. Than I disabled the preflight check, calibrated the ESCs, set the mid throttle to 500 and max thr to 1000, but I still have a problem. When I rise the throttle, the motors start to spin, when I push the stick to the middle the motors increase the speed to maybe 40-50%, but when I push from middle to full thr, nothing change, the motors dont increase the speed anymore.
What else should I set/change in the configurations to solve this problem? And what else should be done at first before the first takeoff?
Thanks for any help.
Hi, not sure what is happening.
Everything you did is good. Looks like your throttle curve is going from 0 to 500 instead of 0 to 1000...
Two questions:
1. Why did you disable preflight check?
2. Why did you set you mid throttle to 500 and max thr to 1000?
I actually never did this and usually you should set throttle mid once you know how much throttle you need to hover.
Try enabling arming check and if you can post some logs.
Here are some logs from yesterday after enabling prearm check.
I also try motor check on 100%, and they spin with full throttle, and the signal range from the TX is from under 900 to over 2000, now I dont remember exact numbers from my head.
1. I was without GPS and mag, and I was not sure if will arm the board withiot, so I just disabled the prearm check. Now I have both.
2. Well for beginning I just set max on max, and mid on mid :) There isnt a real reason.
I will post the logs soon.