Here is my second support request:

Since the uBrain came with AC3.2-rc2, I wanted to update with rc7 .

The MP (recent version) shows this :

This is probably no problem, since I downloaded the recent (complete) package from VR and I can upload custom FW via MP onto the uBrain.

Question is , since the MP takes .hex files and .vrx and both are offered @ by the VR FW package...which one to choose, v51.hex or v51.vrx ?

I don´t want to end up exploring JTAG abilities ;-)

Thx for help !

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  • Now -rc9 is out and contains a FRAM bugfix.

    1) FRAM bug fix that could stop Mission or Parameter changes from being saved (Pixhawk, VRBrain only)

    Question: Do this fix apply to the uBrain as well ?

    • Now the upload topic is solved. I was able to take it out of the VRX_binary-master and used the .vrx file.

      But its much better now, since emile announced, that the recent sum rx version (-rc9) is hidden behind the 3.15 button. Thx. This is far more comfortable, since I am used to do every beta (stable).

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