I have some SAMBA55 GSM/GPRS USB Stick modules that not are used anymore.
The Samba 55 contains a Siemens MC55 GSM/GPRS board
I have ordered a breakout board, and my plan was to use it as a telemetry modem... for my previous quad (lost in sea 3 days ago).
I'm planning my new quad project, and consider going for Multipilot32 this time (OpenPilot on my previous quad).
Is there anyone that has any experience/code for the MC55 module?
I have more than I need (5-6) so if anyone wants to try it I can send one.
Maybe it is possible to use the complete samba55 using USB or if there is some other way to connect to it? Om the Samba 55 PCB there are 5 labels (VCM, VC3, VCU, VC4 and VCI).
Or is this to much hassle so it is better to trash them?