
  • Roberto, you rock!


    I fly a Cularis which fits a MatrixPilot board but with a struggle and lots of wiring mess.  The MP32 should also fit.


    My next platform has larger wingspan but much more restricted space.  I do not think that anything much bigger than the receiver will fit.  The whole nose section is used by battery, ESC and motor.


    My intention is to have the sailplane fly controlled turns in thermals at optimum airspeed.  This will leave me more time to think about tactics, navigation and to watch the birds.


    Regards, Matt

    • Post some picture or video of your project . It is very interesting for me and i think for all the people in our community.

      I love the sailplane and sailboat . So i know exactly what do you mean control turn in thermal .. ;) Is not so simple whe you are onboard .. so i think that is not simple when you aren't on the sailplane .

      So what kind of electronic do you use ? Are you fly in FPV ? Do you use electronic vario on Sailplane ?

      I think that an a good option for this kind of application is the stable mode and return to home .. because the problem is try to don't loss the plane when you don't see exactly what is the asset.

      And return to home when you don't undestand where is your plane .. :( Going up in altitude and set return to home.  So is a nice idea to use also waypoint navigation , so you can define wheren normaly you can find the thermic and when you are up with an electronic vario you can hear the signal and start to going inside the thermic. :)

      How you fly now ?



  • Hi Matt,

    I love the SailPlanes . I was a Pilot of real Sailplane until 5 years ago :)  What is the  space available for electronic ?  MP32 shape is think for stay inside the plane too .. I put it without any problem on my Easystar.

    On MP32 will be available ArduPIlot firmware ,too  . In the next day. When we finish the port of standard APM library  we start to port a lot of software for airplane control,too . With functionality as retrun to home autostable mode and waypoint navigation.



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