Dear friends i Open this task because a lot of people ask me how set pid and how it work .
So now i work on altitude hold setup and Loiter doing some test and Jason release also some demo program for test the setup for standard loiter revision of code .
I put in atachment a picture of Jason simulator and a .swf program for use it drag it in a Internet browser as internet explorer firefox or Chrome.
My first auto test , i'm very happy of this first result.
This is the quality of auto navigation in a windy day on waypoint i see an max error of 2-3 m
2012-06-02 19-31 9.kmz
2012-06-02 19-31 9.log.gpx
Great flight Roberto :D mp32f4 is getting pretty reliable ! Congratulations :)
Last global test doing by Marco R. one of our great beta tester.
See his performances :)
is it previous to have this code on the MP32F4 + Navi boards?
In the Alberto tools chain or in IDE-Pro (or both :-)) ?
Hi Guillaume ,
so the revision of code for MP32F4 use the other standard implemented by Jason.
In that revision of loiter you need to use
Hold Lat and Lon P at 0
Loiter lat and lon P at 3 and the other parameter is default.
In the next day Luca M. (LaserLab) are working on new revision of VR-IDE-PRO that support the .PDE file compilation directly . Then will be more simple to mantain alignment from F1 and F4 code.
I doing some test with Angel Patch of loiter using MP32F1 + VRIMU FULL with last revision of code rev with P I D 1 0.15 7 . The result is very good.
The altitude hold work fine ,too