I am having trouble setting up my board. I have the board configured the following way.
The USB<->RS232TTL outputs Rx,Tx, Gnd which are the yellow, orange, green wires in the picture. I put the ground wire to JP19-1. I am feeding 5V to the board via the USB connection. The jumper for external 5V (middle of the PWMin/out rows) is installed. The Boot jumper is out to try and start a flash download. I have tried swapping Tx, Rx and even loopback to prove the USB serial dongle works fine.
I tried to use the STM Downloader tool but can never get it to detect the board when I click NEXT. It just says it failed to detect the board.
Also noticed in the latest SVN schematic the serial 1 Rx/Tx are mapped to PWMin01 and PWMin02, yet the green paint shows it at pins 1 and 2 of JP4 which is PWMin00 and PWMin1. Which is correct??
Does the board come loaded with any firmware which I can run without downloading anything or do you ship a blank erased board?
Hi Matt,
So on the MP32 normally we put the maple bootloader .
If you want to upload code and erase the code you can use flash loader demo on right pin.
Are you check this post ? http://www.virtualrobotix.com/forum/topics/multipilot32-getting-sta...
Matt I see your picture and you put the connector on pin JP4-1 and JP4-2, is not right the right pin is JP4-2 and JP4-3 as you can found in user guide http://www.virtualrobotix.com/profiles/blogs/guide-introduttive-per-i at the end of this post.
So if you put on mp32 the vrimu board instead and shortcut JP4-7 and JP6-7 the bootloader start to work and you see the green led on mp32 flashing then you can use vride for upload the code using dfu.
Before to start to upload the code you need to install the driver .
When you power up the board with JP4-7 and JP6-7 shortcut on pc you can see the info about the the board is unrecognized , so you can install the driver on your pc . at the moment the driver is in directroy driver in vride directory you choose dfu driver.
If you need online support contact me directly on skype .
add to your contact virtualrobotix
i try to contact you in skype but there are a lot of user in skype with your name :(
Best Roberto
Im set up to use eclipse + yagarto. Do i have to use vride?
What firmware should i start with for a quad.