Today I had my second test flight with the latest Firmware.
The Board tested was the VRIMUFULL with the MP32V3F1 and the BMP085 barometer.
Recent changes include:
- Updated default values for Stabilization
- Changed main loop timing.
- Fixed a memory bug.
This is the port of the Arducopter 2.6 firmware. Thanks to the original developers.
Still ALT_HOLD and GPS must be improved.
To choose your board in the config.h fie you have these options
(please comment with // what you don't need):
BOARD selection:
#define CONFIG_APM_HARDWARE MP32V1F1 //old board (rev. 1)
#define CONFIG_APM_HARDWARE MP32V3F1 //new board
GYRO and ACCELS selection:
#define INS_VRIMUFULL //standard sensors
#define INS_MPU6000 //new MPU6000 sensor
#define CONFIG_BARO AP_BARO_MS5611 //new barometer
#define CONFIG_BARO AP_BARO_BMP085 //old barometer
#define CONFIG_MAG MP32NAVYSENSOR //standard board
#define CONFIG_MAG MP32NAVY2012 //new board with GPRS and dataflash
Once uploded please follow these steps:
1. In CLI mode SETUP --> erase and Reset.
2. Calibrate Radio
3. Calibrate compass by arming (without propellers!) and turning the copter on all axes.
4. Level and check that all variables are consistent.
The default parameters are based on my quad and my experience.
Please tune for your copter.
This firmware was tested with VRIMUFULL + MP32V3F1 + MPU6000 and VRIMUFULL + MP32V3F1 + STANDARD SENSORS
This is the video of the test.