
  • Hi Stuart ,

    sorry but we are working hard on new revision 3.2rc3 of firmware we try to validate all revision and is not simple before to update on official repository .

    We ask to Luca and Emile about your request but they are busy on this step sorry ... wait again some days . 

    The Taranis is fantastic Radio . I try also Futaba but no sense respect of price and iusse on SBUS channel . 

    What about your test ? Are you see my last video with VRX 300 and VR uGimbal ? 




    • Hi Roberto,

      No worries I appreciate you guys are busy :)

      I have been thinking about getting the taranis for a while and like the idea of simplified wiring and extra channels for gimbal etc.


      I will look for your latest video :)


  • Doesn't matter;). I caved in and ordered a taranis.
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