Hi, Roberto Navoni,
    I have just joined the visualrobotix. I do all the compile according to the developer manual from parrot but it doesn't work. Now I just want to get a correct Linux Example for firmware 1.4.6 and I can learn from. My ability is just to know the basic grammar of C. I want to learn the Linux programming using ardrone. Hope you help and suggestion.
Best Regars
Hu Byc
join to Foxteam at www.virtualrobotix.com for obtain support ... I'm available on skype with virtualrobotix nick name for live support.
so is possible to follow two road or add a support of video tag in core library or downgrade your firmware using your iphone application.
So what is your ability to manage the code , upgrade firmware compile library ecc ecc ?

Il giorno 23/dic/2010, alle ore 14.20, Byc ha scritto:

>Hi, Roberto Navoni,
>   I know little about linux programming. My ardrone with firmware 1.4.6 and sdk 1.5. My >ardrone_navigation in vmware workstation ubuntu 10.10 doesn't work. I add the code as >steve waller said but it doesn't work. "IHM stage vision thread initialisation Timeout" "IHM >main loop Timeout". I would like to know if you can share your modified code.
>Best Regards.
>                                                                   Yingcai Bi


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  • Dear Friends,

    a little update on my hacking on parrot :) I compile my first code on it.

    the simple c source code hello2.c and exe file hello_parrot

    connect your parrot by ftp


    ....after connect

    >send hello_parrot

    then connect ardrone by telnet

    then going inside data directory

    and execute ./hello_parrot

    you can found my message for you :)





  • Hi, Robero Navoni

      Finally, I realize it is the problem of my ip address. I use the bridged mode in vmware and change the ip address to, the it works.

      It's very kind of you to help me. I have add virtualrobotix to my skype contact. It's my first time to use skype.

    Best Regards
    • Dear Friends,

      today i succesfully compile and put my first code on Ar.Drone.

      The cpu is an arm9 I compile the code using gcc arm toolchain send the file by ftp on ar.drone and execute using telnet ... The application work fine ... :) Now I identify the serial port available on parrot so  i can connect multipilot board directly to serial interface.

      Regards Roberto

  • Remember to install the basic library using this command :

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev libgtk2.0-dev libiw-dev


    After the install of library is possible to launch the Ardrone SDK application

    • Robero Navoni

          Glad to join FOXTEAM. I have trouble to download the  ARDrone_SDK_1_5_Version_20101004.zip, 47.9 MB. It seems the files are broken. I don't know if it is the problem of my internet. I will try to download it later... 

  • Hi Yingcai ,

    so I'm working on two revision of SDK the first one is the standard , download from officialy parrot site the other is C# revision of sdk.

    In standard revision I used a linux Example Navigation and change the protocol library add the support of video tag  now is on other pc but today i upload this revision for you on our repository.

    in Italy is GMT + 1 now .

    The other possibility without upgrade protocol is to downgrade the firmware on parrot using iphone application that support this feature . and use oldest version of code.

    In c# revision i doing downgrade.

    I'm using PS3 Gamepad and it work fine .


    This is the video of my first flight ...


    Before to test the application check that your network connection work fine. Are you connect the Network ? You don't use nat but host the second option in network configuration .

    Try to ping your ArDrone using ping if it reply now you are ready to test navigation software.


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