Support is provided for the standard version of the project that employs
hardware and APM version also
supports hardware Multiboard.
Code version of Arducopter eg Multiboard called Hexafox v2 and you can
download it from #
The main differences between the two versions are in the performance of the hardware used.
In the version for the APM tab is expected to work with a cpu ATMEGA1280
to 16 MHz and supports both GPS, magnetometer, barometer and IMU.
In version Multiboard (the micro is AVR644P or 1283P ) are two boards connected together via a serial bus / SPI and a software library PRC.
The first Board called Multipilot handles the Multicopter Stability , the
second Board called Multisensor handles the interconnection of sensors and
filter GPS, Magnetometer, barometer, sonar, IR sensor (obstacle
avoidance) and telemetry.
The hardware solution proposed in this way is scalable and provides
programmers' double the computing resources compared to the first
approach 16 MIPS versus 40 MIPS.
In the version of Arducopter Multipilot are supported brushless controllers i2c , the mixertable up to 12 engines for building configurations Quad,
Hexa, Okto, Deka and Dodeka cotter. HG3
is also supported in the the project, the first variable pitch opensource multicopter and Fox Hybrid, a Multicopter that can flight
as a biplane.
The project coordination will be through the DEV international Conference
to be held on average once a week, the repositories will be supported
project on Google code at:
All features developed by FoxTeam be made available to the original project Arducopter.
The current contribution to the project has allowed libraries to achieve
the functionality of ESC and matrixtable i2c, also supported the project
officially Aeroquad 2.0
Greetings to all
Roberto Navoni
You need to be a member of FOXTEAM UAV CLAN to add comments!
to implement Hexafox on APM need some patch to original code ... is not possible to use it directly this version on it.