I would like to know :

1. 5V input : Recommended operation voltage range ? Since I´m coming from APM/PX,which are limited to certain op voltage, and experienced that so called 5V BEC provide voltages between 4.8-6V, I would like to know the recommended,safe operation voltage range for the uBrain, e.g. 4.7-5.9V ?

2. ULN 2003 : Recommended operation wattage/mA (total) ? E.G. 500mA @ 3s (12,6V)

3. LED / Buzzer / V_Batt : Since I did not find a diagram,and did not clearly understand your Wiki picture, is this the correct interpretation ?

The uBrain pins supply GND for LEDs and Buzzer,which have to be connected with + to the battery, is this correct ?

4. Max Voltage of the V_Batt, labled 5s @ the Wiki picture: Is this: 21V (5x4.2V) or 18.5V (5x3.7V) ?

Thx for clarification.

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  • Edit: The diagram above is correct. For first trials (@ 3s) just use one 470 Ohm resistor connected to +V Bat commonly leading to + of two cheap LED and a KK Board buzzer. Not really bright, nor loud, but a fast no risk solution for those which are not familiar with uBrain specs.

    Still would like to know about 1., 2., 4. . The eagle files .brd .sch would help me instead as well.


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