I recently bought from a german hobby colleague a VR uBrain board.
I own already several Pixhawks and use them with different kinds of uBlox GPS modules.
Since I found the NEO-8M GPS a quite good option I also would like to use it with my new uBrain.
The problem is, that while the module runs fine on Pixhawk on uBrain I just only get gpsstatus 1 and gpshdop 99,99.
Every now and then I was lucky and got a 3D-fix with uBrain, but for instance I tried just a few minutes ago with the same Module connected to a Pixhawk I got 11 Sats within a few seconds only and on the uBrain even after 15min the status remains unchanged...
I also tried different cables, longer or shorter, more distance to the remaining electronics, shielding, disconnected vtx, radio telemetry and cam to avoid interference still without luck.
The GPS-module I am using is in fact that one:
But as mentioned, since it works fine on Pixhawk I don't think the module as such has a problem.
It currently is jumpered to 3.3V.
on the uBrain I am using AC3.2 installed through MissionPlanner.
Does anyone maybe have hints for me what I could try to get the uBrain working with my GPS?
Might it be possible, that the uBrain has some hardware problem?
Is the uBrain variant of AC3.2 sending different GPS initialisation than the standard AC3.2 does?
Maybe could someone provide me with some GNSS config file in case that might be necessary for uBrain?
thanks a lot in advance and best regards from vienna, austria!
Same problem !
GPS LEA8 does not works.
I have the 8M from Virtual Robotix. Used with the µBrain, it is OK but you have to put it on a mast and as far as possible from the µBrain and other electronics lines. I cannot say for the 3.3 V jump, 8M from VR is a 5V unit.
I just received the new VRBrain 5.2 and moved the GPS to the new card. No problem to get 3D fix with more than 15 sats, always with the same placement caution.
If your GPS is OK with PixHawk, it should be fine with µBrain.
You may have to check your wiring: on the µBrain side, plug is Gnd, free, Rx, Tx, 5V. If GPS status stay at 1, reverse Rx and Tx. I am sure for the Ground, Free and 5V...