Hi VR Team,
I know this isn't the proper place to post this question, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the VR Gimbal Controller is still sold and being developed?
I'm interested in buying one, but don't know if they are still sold. The last question posted to the VR Gimbal user group page was by someone asking if the product was still supported, but there was no reply...
Again, I'm sorry for posting this is the VRBrain group instead of the VRGimbal group.
Any information is appreciated.
Hi Straton,
we are working to new revision of VR Gimbal , will be available in the next week two new design : the VR uGimbal 2 axis camera for VRX 300 - 400 and VR Gimbal 3.0 with new advanced operating system direct derived from VR Brain 5 operating system with lot o new feature.
So the old gimbal is not in the stock because we are updating the project with this new product.
About the firmware is available on our repository .
Thank you for the information Roberto.
Do you know at what date they will become available and how much per unit?