Is designed to be used on Rover or Drones or professional use. It 'sa project dynamic and evolving based on feedback from users of our community:
The main features are:
- Ability to manage up to 8 channels.
- 4 Channel standard for management ROLL, PITCH, YAW and Throttle.
- Auto Repositioning of 2 main stick when you put the finger on the screen.
- 5 additional channels of digital or analog.
- Management of the minimum and maximum for each channel.
- Management Trim
- Management subtrim.
- Reverse channel management.
- Configuration management esponeziali on standard channels.
- Management of up to two simultaneous feedback with vibration and sound feedback to throttle on the second audio output.
- Management mode 1,2,3,4 as standard RC trasmitter.
PPMSUM standard output compatible with the most 'popular radio modules tx.
Manages two modes: configuration and live to allow the maximum fluidity of the commands and the maximum configurability by users.
The current version is a preview suitable only for beta testing use it carefully.
Check the forum for have more detail about the application development :
This is the official link of google play application :
This is our facebook fan page :
If anyone want to share their experiences testing/using this app, or want to discuss anything in my blog post´s this forum thread can be used.
Schematics for connect your PDA to Radio module or trainer port :
My Q-bot micro quad arrived yesterday
Did test it using theQ-BOT TX module connected to the trainer port on my Futaba radio, and it works fine (simple setup – ready for use after 5 min)
Then I connected the Q-BOT TX module to my Nexus 7 tablet (without any PPM OpAmp adapter) and was able to connect to the Q-Bot when I turned the volume on my Nexus 7 to almost max.
But when the Q-Bot was ready (after the power on procedure) it went right up in my roof (full throttle).
After some tests where I was holding the Q-Bot I found that the throttle control worked almost as an on/off switch.
Have done some googling, and found that this may be because of some wrong PPM settings on the Q-BOT TX module combined with the min/max values on the VR Droid RC.
I’ll try to do some tweaking and report my results later
The tracking info for my Q-bot now shows that it have arrived Norway. So if I have some luck, I get it tomorrow (or Monday).
+ I hope to get some free time to test the PPM OpAmp adapter.
Not too long before I can start test Roberto’s Android app J
I wish all a great weekend!
Still waiting for my Q-BOT micro quad from HobbyKing that I plan to use testing Roberto's app, so yesterday I made a trainer port interface using Roberto's schematics, and a SMD proto board.
I hope to get some free time this weekend, so I can test if it works. My plan is to connect a RX module to a simulator interface and test VR Radio RC controlling a quad in Phoenix sim.
Hi Oyvind,
great news :) The next week will be released a new revision of VR Radio that support also multiple profile , so you can configure your radio and share your configuration :)
I recived also the logitech pad joystick I test it and it's great for feedback on roll and pitch.
I think that the next week if stop raining here in italy we start to test the VR Radio. We are working also on PCM output not only PPM SUM because found that some radio support pcm and not PPM
Did visit today, and found that my Q-BOTorder have (at last) gone from backorder to in stock J
My plan is to use Q-BOT to test Roberto´s great VR Radio RC app.
Hi Roberto, Is it possible to add support so PlayStation/Xbox controllers can be used? Connecting using USB and a USB OTG adapter.
Yes could be possible need to test the API i don't know if it a standard interface or custom ... do you have more code example ? I think that could be interesting to test the double input.
The 3DR module + XBOX 360 or nintendo wii input with a small usb hub
Veramente eccezionali! A Verona non avevo capito che il progetto fosse così vicino a realizzarsi. Per favore dimmi quello che mi serve per testare il tutto. In particolare come collegare il tab (ho un Galaxy2 7") al modulo tx. Vann tutti bene? Anche quelli di Hobbyking?
Grazie ciao.
P.s. Mi viene un dubbio : DEVO scrivere in inglese?
Ruggero Falchetti
Thanks for your blog post Oyvind , I'm happy to inform that the beta testing of VR Droid Rc is started . So the guys that intend join this phase contact me directly.
Could be that in the next days will be available the alpha evaluation version of code online for the beta tester.
I think that the work of Oyvind is very nice and is interesting join in one device ground station and Radio trasmitter. Well i'm think that is very important to mantain the solution affordable before to start to ad telemetry functionality.
In this thread i'll inform about the new release and status of evolution of application.