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Il VR Spark 350 è nato da un anno denso di attività sperimentali , dove abbiamo lavorato al miglioramento delle tecnologie elettroniche , del design meccanico, alle usability da parte dell'utente finale  e alla possibilità che il drone fosse utilizzabile per impieghi di tipo commerciale rispettando le normative degli enti che regolano l'impiego dei droni civili nel mondo aeronautico .

Caratteristiche tecniche  VR Spark 350:

  • Frame configuration : Multicopter Quad .

  • Propeller:  9x4.5

  • Motors:  980 KV

  • Time of flight 18 min.

  • Peso : 1.6 kg al decollo.

  • Flight Control : VR Brain 5.2 PRO ( VR SPARK CUSTOMIZATION)

  • GPS : VR GPS 8 GNSS dual mode navigation system GPS / GLONASS.

  • Flight Termination System : VR Flight Stop PRO Power Cutoff + Parachute. (option)

  • Integrated FPV camera .


  • Radio Link:

    • Primario: SBUS FRSKY X4R

    • Secondario: Terminatore di volo : PPMSUM FRSKY D4R


  • Telemetry:


    • VR Link 868 / 915 (Mavlink telemetry module)

    • VR OSD ( Video overlay main telemetry information : attitude , GPS , Battery)


  • Standard Payload 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal + GoPro 4 Hero Black.

  • PAYLOAD Option Max Weight ( 500 gr)

  • Battery 3S 4000 Mah.


Abbiamo implementando sistemi di controllo e di terminazione del volo che garantiscono il rispetto delle norme per ottenere  elevati livelli di sicurezza ed affidabilità.


VR Spark 350 nasce per l'impiego in diversi  ambiti :

  • filmografia low budget.

  • della sicurezza e del soccorso.

  • delle applicazioni di video  ispezione.

  • In applicazioni di marketing (droni brandizzati per promozione - delivery - )

  • Funzionalità automatiche di follow me tramite piattaforma VR Leash. (Action Sport)

  • fotogrammetrico.

  • nelle scuole di formazione per piloti professionisti .

  • Adatto alle startup nel mondo dei droni , in progetti di ricerca (es H2020).

Può essere impiegato come La macchina multi ruolo per poter entrare da protagonista nel business dei servizi con drone.

Ha tutte le caratteristiche necessarie per ambire ad essere la risposta italiana al  DJI Phantom.


Il progetto nasce grazie al lavoro di una community ampia fatta di esperti di grande competenza , passione  e capacità tecnologica. Un grazie al DEV Team di APM Copter e di Virtualrobotix che negli ultimi anni ha fatto un lavoro eccellente,  portando a livelli  elevati una piattaforma che agli esordi era alla portata  di pochi esperti , ora dopo un profondo lavoro sulla semplificazione e usability in molti possono godere della flessibilità e potenza di questa nuova generazione di APR.

La presentazione ufficiale di VR Spark 350 avverrà al DroneShow di Ferrara 28/29 Marzo 2015

In forma riservata alla convention 2015 di F.I.A.P.R. verranno presentati ad alcuni selezionati beta tester le ultime revisioni di VR Spark 350 attualmente in fase di certificazione. 

Per info di dettaglio rispetto al prodotto ; tempi di rilascio ,  versioni personalizzate per i differenti settori d'interesse, promozioni e prezzi inviate una mail di richiesta ad il nostro personale è a vostra disposizione per ogni chiarimento.

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During my alpha testing with the "APM Copter V3.0" i immediately reported to the dev team that the Loiter mode was very accurate but is not allowed to fly normally, like with other system like DJI and Mikrokopter.
We preferred to make the Loiter mode that would serve to accurately reposition the multirotor, and to help beginners to move safely.
An italian friend and developer, Sandro Tognana, collected my challenge and started to develop a flight mode as I wanted, in line with the other famous flight control board.
Another awesome programmer, Julien Dubois, has joined our team and has worked actively to implement the complicated wind compensation.
After several months of development and testing are pleased to present the "Hybrid flight mode", a sort of "flyable Loiter" with wind compensation.
This new mode is currently being debugged (in alpha phase), it is therefore not available to the public, of course, will have to go into the hands of APM Copter Dev Team who will decide whether to adopt it in an upcoming release.
The results in my video are great, sorry but the audio is bad because it was very windy today, and anyway i speak Italian (soon the subtitles), however, is clearly seen as a "Hybrid" works, is almost perfect.
The tests were carried out on APM and VR Brain, but of course will work on any board that installs "APM Copter" suck PX4 and Pixhawk.
I will keep you updated on the "Hybrid" developments, i'll open a discussion about this with other APM Copter developers to assess any changes in the code.

I want to say thanks to Sandro and Julien for their great work!

Original blog post : by Marco Robustini :)

Bests, Marco

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When Richard Van As, a master carpenter in Johannesburg, South Africa, decided to make a set of mechanical fingers, it wasn’t just for fun. He’d lost four of the fingers on his right hand in an unfortunate work accident. For a tradesman like Rich, having a disabled hand is a big professional detriment, so Richard decided on the day of his the incident that he would use the tools available to him to remedy his situation. Watch the inspiring video above to hear how Richard’s project, Robohand, is changing lives with patience, spirit, and a MakerBot Replicator 2.

Getting Started

MakerBot heard about the Robohand project in January 2013. Richard had been trading ideas with Ivan Owen, a collaborator in Washington State, for several months. Ivan used his prior experience with mechanical prop hands to make design suggestions, while Richard attempted to replicate the designs in his workshop.


The process was taking weeks and months per cycle. For us here at MakerBot, that was too much wasted time. We knew our 3D printer, the MakerBot Replicator 2, could take this important work to new heights. We saw their collaboration and the work they were doing as groundbreaking, and we asked Ivan and Richard to accept a donation from us: a MakerBot Replicator 2 for each of them, one in Washington, and another in South Africa.

If the tool was useful to them, we hoped they would share their work on for the world to download. It turns out the MakerBots were incredibly useful, and the guys have followed through on their promise. Just hours after they received their packages from us here in Brooklyn, the two collaborators were sharing files back and forth, testing the design in one place and doing another iteration on the other side of the world. Richard says it took the prototyping process down from weeks to just 20 minutes.

But that’s only half the story.

Giving A Hand

Robohand has grown far beyond the goal of making a set of fingers just for Richard. When the power of desktop 3D printing and MakerBot entered the picture, Richard began to realize how quickly he could refine a design for other people who have lost their fingers, or who were born without fingers. After posting his own story, he received emails and Facebook messages from parents whose children were candidates for a Robohand of their own. One of these children was five-year-old Liam.

The condition Amniotic Band Syndrome is poorly understood, but the effects of it are pretty clear. Children are often born without extremities, especially fingers and toes, when fibrous bands in the womb prevent these parts from developing normally. It’s this condition that caused Liam to be born with no fingers on his right hand. The cost of purchasing a traditional prosthesis was far too much for the family, especially since Liam is a young and fast growing boy who would outgrow a prosthesis in a few months.

Liam was given a Robohand just days after Richard and Ivan received their MakerBots in January, 2013, and he has already been fitted for his second. The word spread, and other kids in the Johannesburg area like Liam with Amniotic Band Syndrome have received their own Robohands, sized just for them. The files, including the assembly instructions, have been posted online at Thingiverse, and they have been downloaded over 3,800 times by people around the globe.

What Is A Robohand?

A Robohand is a set of mechanical fingers that open and close to grasp things based on the motion of the wrist. When the wrist folds and contracts, the cables attaching the fingers to the base structure cause the fingers to curl. Nearly all the parts of a Robohand are 3D printed on MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D printers.

Ivan, who played a big part in the initial design stages of Robohand, says he studied the anatomy of crab legs and human fingers to get the basic muscle and tendon structure. The result is a simple assembly that Richard believes anyone can make themselves. While a full set of prosthetic fingers may cost thousands of dollars, all of the Robohand parts that are made on the MakerBot Replicator 2 add up to roughly a few dollars in material cost, with the total mechanical hand costing around $150 (USD).

Who Needs A Robohand?

Amniotic Band Syndrome affects 1 in 1,200 live births.

About 80% of cases of Amniotic Band Syndrome involve the loss or malformation of fingers and hands.

Finger amputations are the most common amputation in the US, accounting for over 90% of all amputations, according to various reports.

How Do I Get A Robohand?

Robohand was not imagined as a service or a product. Instead, Richard has shared the design files and instructions for creating a Robohand on Thingiverse so that people around the world can download, customize, print, and assemble Robohands for themselves or for others.

So far, we’ve heard stories of Robohands being made for children and adults in the US, Canada, and Thailand. Are you a MakerBot owner who can give this incredible gift to someone in your community?

Get Involved

There’s still a lot to be done. Richard has given hands-on help to a few of the people within his reach, but Robohand needs your help in order to get to the people who need it most.

● Want to spread the word? Share this video with your friends on Twitter or Facebook.
● Looking to to support the cause? Check out Robohand’s Indiegogo campaign.
 Are you an occupational therapist or prosthetist? Leave a comment below!

Make a Robohand

The design files and assembly instructions for Robohand can be found on Thingiverse.

Robohand’s creators would like to empower others around the world to use their files and create and print in 3D Robohands of their own, and they are not in the mechanical hand business. They created Robohand out of the goodness of their heart. Now it’s time to provide the files to the world and see what other good can come from them!

Robohand uses the following tools to make their mechanical hands:

● MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer
● MakerBot PLA Filament
● Stainless steel hardware
● Thermo-forming orthoplastic
● Elastic bands
● Nylon cable

The full bill of materials is listed here.

Original blog post :

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Su Focus di Gennaio c'e' un bell'articolo che parla dei nostri amati droni si parla di Virtual Robotix , leggete l'intervista che ci hanno fatto , un particolare grazie a Marco Robustini il nostro mitico beta tester che ha dato un importante contributo all'articolo 
Segue la copertina e un piccolo estratto . L'articolo completo è molto ben fatto vi consiglio di leggerlo.

Focus On January there is' a nice article that speaks of our beloved drones are talking about Virtual Robotix, read the interview that we have done, a special thanks to Marco Robustini our great beta tester who has made an important contribution Article 
Following the cover and a small excerpt. The full article is very well done I recommend you read it.


Buon anno !!!

Happy new year !!!


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VRBrain 5.2, Automatic Flight



I am flying my quadcopter with latest VRBrain 5.2.

I have 3DR telemetry and a Nexus7 tablet, I experiment with Auto Mode.

There is my latest flight rendered in GoogleEarth. It is a full auto flight from Arm to Disarm, controlled and monitored with DroidPlanner v3 tablet application.

There are 14 waypoints with spline curbs at various height from 10 to 45 meters. First WP is TakeOff, latest is RTL. R/C is on (Stabilize selected), Throttle lever is set to middle position after TakeOff as a caution.



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Earlier my plan was to mount my Galaxy Nexus 7» tablet on my radio, but I decided that the Nexus7 is too large and heavy for this.

Therefore, I decided to use my Samsun Galaxy S III phone in this project. I have used the same type of back cover so it is simple to add/remove the phone on the radio.

On the back of the Galaxy S III back cover, I have mounted a 433Mhz 3DR telemetry radio module in a small plastic box. Then all you need is a USB OTG cable to connect the 3DR radio to the phone.

Ready to go

Without the phone


From the side - have used an FPV monitor Mount from goodluckbuy, that I have modified


From the rear, showing the 3DR telemetry radio mounted on the backcover.

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Guten Tag.
My eniviroment to avoid requests.
Hardware:Gigabyte i7, 16GB Ram, a lot of HD's
OS Windows7_x64, Kubuntu 10.04
Relevante Software:
                Arduino 1.03, 1.5
                Visual Studio's
                Atmel Studio 6.2
                IDE PX4
                Missionplanner latest
                STM DFU
                IDE VRBRAIN
Controllers: ArduMega 2560, APM2.5, PX4FMU/IO, china clone apm2.5,
                    last but not least VRuBrain 5.1
Tools: AVR-Dragon, AVR-MkII, usb-scope
ToFly: lot of planes, copter,

Upload to VRuBrain the official Firmware with Missionplanner  OK
Connect GPS, Compass, Receiver OK
Problem: Firmware is not build For RC-Channel-Map of my transmitter.
Changed mapping with Missionplanners Patameterlist.(with write params like amp/px4).
Restart, No effect. mapping not changed
Downloaded from web variante xxxx_pwm.vrx.
The same.

Downloade Sources and compiled.
Got xxx.hex, xxx.bin .......
Tried upload with Missionplanner xxx.hex(like apm); Miisionplanner not accepts my hex.
Converted .hex to .dfu, Upload with STM-Tool OK.
But the bootloader is destroyed, Missionplanner can't connect.

I could cross the wires in pwm, but I think the is not a smart solutiom.

HOWTO build accepted and uploading by Missionplanner.
Missionplaner accepts Firmeware.vrx downloaded from web.
How can I build myFirmware.vrx or myFirmware.???.

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Happy New Year from Virtualrobotix's TEAM


Best wishes for a happy New Year from the team of Virtualrobotix

ALBANIAN Gëzuar vitin e ri
ALSATIAN e glëckliches nëies / güets nëies johr
ARABIC aam saiid / sana saiida
ARMENIAN shnorhavor nor tari
AZERI yeni iliniz mubarek
AFRIKAANS gelukkige nuwejaar

ITALIAN buon anno, felice anno
BAMBARA bonne année
BASQUE urte berri on
BELARUSIAN З новым годам (Z novym hodam)
BENGALI subho nababarsho
BERBER asgwas amegas
BETI mbembe mbu
BOBO bonne année
BOSNIAN sretna nova godina
BRETON bloavez mad
BULGARIAN честита нова година (chestita nova godina)
BIRMAN hnit thit ku mingalar pa
CANTONESE kung hé fat tsoi
CATALAN feliç any nou
CHINESE xin nièn kuai le / xin nièn hao
CORSICAN pace e salute
CROAT sretna nova godina
CZECH šťastný nový rok
DANISH godt nytår
DUTCH gelukkig Nieuwjaar
ESPERANTO felicxan novan jaron
feliæan novan jaron (Times SudEuro font)
ESTONIAN head uut aastat
FAROESE gott nýggjár
FINNISH onnellista uutta vuotta
FLEMISH gelukkig Nieuwjaar
FRENCH bonne année
FRIULAN bon an
GALICIAN feliz aninovo
GEORGIAN gilotsavt aral tsels
GERMAN ein gutes neues Jahr / prost Neujahr
GREEK kali chronia / kali xronia
eutichismenos o kainourgios chronos 
(we wish you a happy new year)
GUARANÍ rogüerohory año nuévo-re
HAWAIIAN hauoli makahiki hou
HEBREW shana tova
HINDI nav varsh ki subhkamna
KANNADA hosa varshada shubhaashayagalu
KHMER sur sdei chhnam thmei
KIRUNDI umwaka mwiza
KOREAN seh heh bok mani bat uh seyo
KURDE sala we ya nû pîroz be
HUNGARIAN boldog új évet
ICELANDIC farsælt komandi ár
INDONESIAN selamat tahun baru
IRISH GAELIC ath bhliain faoi mhaise
JAPANESE akemashite omedetô
KABYLIAN asseguèsse-ameguèsse
NORWEGIAN godt nytt år
MACEDONIAN srekna nova godina
MALAGASY arahaba tratry ny taona
MALAY selamat tahun baru
MALTESE sena gdida mimlija risq
MAORI kia hari te tau hou
MONGOLIAN shine jiliin bayariin mend hurgeye 
(Шинэ жилийн баярын мэнд хvргэе)
MORÉ wênd na kô-d yuum-songo
LAO sabai di pi mai
LATIN felix sit annus novus
LATVIAN laimīgo Jauno gadu
LINGALA bonana / mbula ya sika elamu na tonbeli yo
LITHUANIAN laimingų Naujųjų Metų
LOW SAXON gelükkig nyjaar
LUXEMBOURGEOIS e gudd neit Joër
OCCITAN bon annada
PERSIAN sâle no mobârak
POLISH szczęśliwego nowego roku
PORTUGUESE feliz ano novo
ROMANI bangi vasilica baxt
ROMANIAN un an nou fericit / la mulţi ani
RUSSIAN С Новым Годом (S novim godom)
SAMOAN ia manuia le tausaga fou
SANGO nzoni fini ngou
SOBOTA dobir leto
SPANISH feliz año nuevo
SWAHILI mwaka mzuri
SWEDISH gott nytt år
SWISS-GERMAN äs guets Nöis
SARDINIAN bonu annu nou
SCOTTISH GAELIC bliadhna mhath ur
SERBIAN srecna nova godina
SHONA goredzwa rakanaka
SINDHI nain saal joon wadhayoon
SLOVAK stastlivy novy rok
SLOVENIAN srečno novo leto
TAMIL iniya puthandu nalVazhthukkal
TATAR yana yel belen
TELUGU nuthana samvathsara subhakankshalu
TAGALOG manigong bagong taon
TAHITIAN ia ora te matahiti api
THAI (sawatdii pimaï)
TIBETAN tashi délek
TURKISH yeni yiliniz kutlu olsun
UKRAINIAN Z novym rokom
URDU naya saal mubarik
WALOON (“betchfessîs” spelling) bone annéye / bone annéye èt bone santéye
WELSH blwyddyn newydd dda
YIDDISH a gut yohr
VIETNAMESE Chúc Mừng Nam Mới / Cung Chúc Tân Niên / Cung Chúc Tân Xuân

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Dear Friends,

yesterday we start to delivery the VR Brain Micro 5 pre order. Thanks to all guys that join the preorder in last month . I think that the first user start to receive it in the next days . We are working to update the wiki with the updates for quick start FAQ for use our new board.

The info will be update in the next hours on : 

If you need support write down in this blog post.



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Dear Friends,

I'm happy to share wit you last updates about our cubesat project. The great news is that we adopted ChibiOS operating system and start to develop a flight attitude estimation and control for Cubesat based on ardupilot projects. The other challenge are about the telemetry control system and payload managment.

If some guys in the network are working already on cubesat project or would like to join us in these great project are welcome :) 

The main iusse respect of drone development is that is not so simple simulate the flight of cubesat on the earth so we are working also on HIL system for try to simulate what happen in the space . The idea is to add to VR Brain Space  the hardware and software compatible with ardupilot project for control a Cubesat in the space . 

Hope that you like our projects and join in these great new challenge.

More detail about the project are here :



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VirtualRobotix announcing new products and website



It is with great pleasure that we are able to present the result of our latest work.

In the last 4 months we designed, built and tested 2 frames and 2 Gimbals.

This is just a preview of these new products, production will start in the next month and pre-orders are available through our freshly re-designed web site


Black Ops Drone aka B.O.D.

A multipurpose drone specifically designed for gaming and simulated wars. It is a plastic 2 shell frame very resistant and light weight. It is splashproof and can mount a small FPV camera on front. It can be used with many different payloads and mounts 3508 motors with 13" propellers.





A powerful, tough and yet simple frame built with only 3k twill carbon fiber and High grade Aluminum.

The frame is designed so that X4 or X8 configuration is possible without any other add-on.

It is extremely tough and resistant, and host propellers up to 14" or 15" .

Typical configuration is with 3510 or 3508 Motors with 13" props, but also 40mm. motors can be mounted with no problems. The arms can be shifted in 1,5cm. steps to allow bigger props (15").




A professional 3 axis Brushless Gimbal built with 3k twill carbon fiber that is able to carry 3Kg. of payload.

This is our masterpiece. It uses high quality Stainless steel bearings and it is integrated with adjustable height landing gear.

It weights about 600gr. and it offers super smooth camera compensation.





The same Shockwave Gimbal can be used on our hand-held system allowing camera operators and professional photographers to obtain perfect stable images. The hand held mount can be equipped with remote control for PAN, TILT, ROLL and ZOOM.




A 2 or 3 axis Gimbal designed to fit the most common and light to medium cameras such as:

Sony NEX xx

Canon M series

Sony Cybershot VX420 or similar

Totally built wi Alu and Carbon fiber it is extremely light and it is sold with an antivibration plate suitable for any frame. It's weight without mootrs is 280gr. and is perfectly able to carry 300-400gr. of payload.



Please refer to for more details and don't hesitate to askany questions.

The VirtualRobotix team


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After a few months without important hardware news on our glorious VR Brain 5 Autopilot, here we finally arrived at the moment of truth after almost 10 years since the first VR 8-bit Brain, the Multipilot was the name of our first autopilot , today here is the first  X Brain  power on , a monster of power with so much potential to explore, thanks to the new firmware Ardupilot that has made giant steps compared to the early code versions.

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These are the board developed by VR Lab available in the store : VR micro Gimbal , VR Multi Constellation GPS 8  ,VR Micro Brain 5 and plug and play VR micro telemetry board  . The VR Brain 5.2 is in pre order.



Example how is possible to assemble  the boards togheter , the form factor is very small and lightwheight . 


In the picture below is presente the VRX Radio Module lite , Standard and Advanced ( OSD support ) 


This is a very exclusive video  example of fully autonomous fly using VR Leash experimental kit . You can set the position where put the drone by VR Leash natural reposition system or by PAD / Smartphone user interface available in VR Pad Station Pro.

These electronic component is in the stock on the store and with the Black Friday coupon you can obtain a discount of 20 % for Friday 27 November 2015 :) and for 28 November 2014. You need to insert the coupon during the checkout process.

The Standard Coupon is : 20%VRBlackFriday2014

The "Secret" Coupon is :  20%VRBlackFriday2015

VR micro Brain 5 :

VR GPS 8 :

VRX uBrain Telemetry module lite option 433 :

VR uBrain Telemetry module lite option 868 :

VR radio module lite option 433:

VR radio module lite option 868:

VR micro Gimbal Board :  will be available at december 

VR Leash : available for OEM and Pro project.

About VR Brain 5.2

today we officially open the pre order for VR Brain 5 sorry for delay but we did some update to the project now the current release is VR Brain 5.2 we add some new connector respect of rev 5.1, more detail came on wiki in the next days .

The delivery will be from 18/12/2014 if we have some update about new early dates will inform you by broadcast mail on so you register on it please.

We decide to open today so you can use the VR Black Friday coupon .



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Interesting OpenSource project that use only a simple RaspberryPI 0 as DVB-S transmitter + RTL-SDR dongle  as receiver. 
This is less expensive DVB-S trasmitter ever developed. 
All the project is by Evariste he is a great developer and member of HAM Radio community ... now we are working togheter to a revision of system with low latency that fit the requirment of drone community .... now the latency is 2.5 second could became 200 ms with a power ampli for real use in outdoor scenario. If some one would join to beta testing of the system are welcome :)
This is the github where you can found the source code of the project .

The receiver is an RTL-SDR standard dongle available on store like amazon or ebay for price less 30 $ . The decode is done using SDR technology the software from decoding is from Pabr the name is leandvb . This is the link .

This software decode DVB-S directly from rtl-sdr stream. It's impressive :) 

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In this video you can see the first fly review of VRBrain micro 5.0 

In this test you can see the great quality of new magnetometer and gps . Emile doing an automatic fly . Set by VR Pad Station 3 waypoint , the last is an RTL . The drone take off from Emile's hand then land exactly in same position :) Emile don't move from his position during all the automatic fly test :)

Dear Friends,
I worked hard in recent weeks to test the new micro VRBrain 5.0
To test the card I used the frame I called our "Personal Robot SDK Fly" The configuration I used for testing and 'the following:

Frame VRX AV250 with Prop Guard
- Micro VRBrain 5
- VR GPS Ublox LEA 6
- 4 10 Amp ESC with Firmware SimonK
- 4 2400 KV Brushless Motors
- 4 Carbon Fiber Propeller dda 5 inches.
- 1 Battery 2200 Mah
- Receiver Futaba SBUS R7008 SB.
- Transmitter T14SG.

During the tests I carried out flight tests and reliability in a stable manner. I flew in different boundary conditions without having any kind of reliability problem. I made flights in both indoor and outdoor.

End the tests with flight manual I started  the automated flight test . The GPS took our new GPS  VR GPS uBlox LEA6, the main feature of this GPS and 'to have on board the new sensor HMC 5983 with automatic temperature compensation and more accuracy and immunity to electromagnetic interference.

In the tests we performed automated test of loiter mode, hybrid loiter, return to home and  waypoint navigation.

Given the excellent results of the tests we have decided to close this firmware revision of the first software will be installed on the cards that will come over the next week.

More info about the components of the test are available here:

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Dear Friends,

02 / 06 / 2014 

After one month of work the stable firmware for VRBrain micro is ready . We fly a lot in manual and automatic , we are preparing a video and specific blog post about VRX250 the drone platform using for doing test on VRBrain micro  5 all work fine and we are happy to have a good revision of code for user that join us in pre order campaign . We start to deliver first batch of boards in 2 weeks . The good news is that now is possible to upload the firmware to VR Brain micro 5 using standard Mission Planner application. Thanks to Michael and all VR Lab team for doing a good Job around this task.

09 / 05 / 2014

today we finish to test first prototype of micro brain , this is the video of first power on , all work fine , we check all onboard sensor : IMU , BAROMETER  . Check eeprom for parameter storage and SD card. Serial port , and usb interface . All work fine :) Check also new bootloader and our mission planner fork with VRBrain support all work perfect . Diego our Electronic Designer doing a great work no error until now :)

Finish the test of all subsystem : Magnetomer , GPS , RC IN PPMSUM and RC OUT and all work fine . See the video .

These are the specification : 

CPU STM32F4 VR OS based on NuttX kernel 7.1 

1 EEPROM or FRAM device for parameter storage. 


MSIC Barometer 10 cm resolution.  

8 PPM Radio RC Input .

8 PWM ESC - SERVO Output.

1 SBUS Radio Input compatible with Futaba SBUS and Spektrum ,too

1 SBUS Servo Output.

SD Card Reader until 64 Gbyte.


2 LED Output 

1 Buzzer Output 

On board telemetry module availabe at 433 / 868 mhz. (option) 

connector for external 3DR/VR GPS + MAGNETOMETER

dimension : 3.2 x 3.2 .

weight : 10 gr


Price is 99 euro the board pre order is open the mass production start in 1 week when finish the test of first production batch .

more info about status of the product  on the store:

APM Copter , Plane , Rover Firmware available and fully tested by our devteam.

official blog post :

for more info send a mail to



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Dear Friends,

after 4 months of hard work the first Virtualrobotix RTF frame is ready , we received first two sample yesterday . We are very happy to this result .

We start some month ago presenting some design concept.

Then after a long selection and technical evaluation of platform doing on 3d cad , testing the frame with FEM simulation and then send the prototype to our maker company.


The next step is test on air. Inside we put our flight control platform VR Brain , 3DR Ublox GPS , 3DR radio telemetry module , VR ESC and VR Radio .

We are working hard on a lot of component and we'll be on air in one month .

  • The VR Copter design is from italy :) 
  • This Copter is in a 550 category. 
  • The weight of frame is around 330 gr.
  • Below support different configuration of payload ad in front will be available a revision of VR Copter with VR Direct Drive Gimbal that's coming ,too
  • The tile is removable , so if drone crash you can change the tail or in future will be different configuration available.
  • We are available also to customize the frame with your colors or texture on it . With our modular approach we haven't limit to customize our platform.

We need your help to understand if you like our new and innovative drone platform and what kind of feature do you like on it :)

We are searching farm in the world that have competitive price for production of this frame . We have two kind of version of project one for going in production with professional 3D printer. We are evaluation also to buy one . If someone have some suggestion about a good product at competitive price that's welcome :)

The other opportunity is to produce by molding technology process , but we need a good price for it :) In italy is not enough competitive price :)

 if you can help us comment this post or contact us at 


Roberto Navoni

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VirtualRobotix al ModelExpoItaly

Thanks to everyone that passed us at the Model Expo Italy Verona ... today 'was a good day ... in the evening we were destroyed ... are now in a hotel near the fair, tomorrow it starts again ... from 9.00
Today I met many friends VirtualRobotix, Diydrones and BaroneRosso and not only that we have gone to find, Rino, who was here at the stand of FIAM, Michael is' doing acrobatic flights with its quad here in the aviary Pad 7, Ale with Joseph, Marco Robustini that I always see with pleasure, Rfale, and many others. My "MEMBERS" today are given in thousands of presentations, Emile, Flavio and Marco Masiero, we flew in the aviary in pair with their drones based VRBrain and Mikrokopter.
Tomorrow it's up to Drones "Professional" for video applications and civil protection, etc. etc. etc. ... So who wants to see them live and not just in our video finds us at our stand and also during the day with presentations in the aviary of the main stand.
Greetings to all and see you tomorrow in the meantime a video made by Daniele with our drones that tomorrow you will see the truth in action.

Grazie a tutti di essere passati a trovarci a Verona al Model Expo Italy ... oggi e' stata una bella giornata ... a sera eravamo distrutti ... ora sono in albergo vicino alla fiera , domani si ricomincia ... dalle 9.00
Oggi ho conosciuto tanti amici di VirtualRobotix , DIYDrones e del BaroneRosso e non solo che ci sono passati a trovare , Rino che era qui allo stand della FIAM , Michele che sta' facendo voli acrobatici con i suoi quad qui nella voliera del Pad 7 , Ale con Giuseppe ,Marco Robustini che vedo sempre molto voleniteri , Rfale , e tanti altri  I miei "SOCI" oggi si sono dati in mille presentazioni , Emile , Flavio e Marco Masiero , abbiamo volato nella voliera anche in coppia con i loro droni basati su VRBrain e su Mikrokopter .
Domani tocca ai Droni "Professionali" per riprese video e applicazioni di protezione civile ,ecc ecc ecc ... Quindi chi vuole vederli live e non solo nei nostri video ci trova al nostro stand e anche durante la giornata con presentazioni nella voliera principale dello stand. 
Un saluto a tutti e a domani nel frattempo un video fatto da Daniele con i nostri droni che domani potrete vedere dal vero in azione 

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Nexus 7 (Andropilot) radio "docking"

My new telemetry project.
My plan is to use these items to make an Nexus 7 telemetry radio docking:

Mount the 3DR radio module in the plastic box
Mount the box/radio on the Nexus Cover
Mount the Nexus cover on the FPV monitor mount.

Have ordered the different parts.

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