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MP32F1V1 & MP32F1V3 users please read! Bug Fix!

/**************************** ENGLISH *******************************************/

After struggling with strange wobbling without being able to find correct PIDs, I have finally found the source of the problem.

This problem is affecting all MP32F1 users using either VRIDE or VRIDE PRO.

The bug was related to the micros() function of the Maple libraries.

To correct this before the latest relaease (currently under testing) unzip the attached file and replace the files in:

vrobotix-ide-x.x.x.x\hardware\leaflabs\cores\ for the VRIDE installation.

vrobotix-ide-pro\workspaces\MP32F1xx\ACopter32-\wirish\ for the VRIDE PRO installation.

This is quite critical, so please take the time to upgrade it before next flying.

The zip is here:

/************************ ITALIANO **********************************************/

Dopo diversi tentativi per capire cosa stava affliggendo il mio quad che nonostante PID tuning non smetteva di oscillare (piccoli scatti), finalmente sono riuscito a trovare la sorgente del problema.

Questo problema affligge tutte le piattaforme basate su MP32F1 sia che usino VRIDE che VRIDE PRO

Il problema era nella funzione micros() delle librerie MAPLE.

Per correggere il problema prima della prossima revisione del Firmware (che attualmente sto finendo di testare)  scaricate lo zip in allegato e posizionate i file nel seguente percorso relativo a quello di installazione:

vrobotix-ide-x.x.x.x\hardware\leaflabs\cores\per la VRIDE .

vrobotix-ide-pro\workspaces\MP32F1xx\ACopter32-\wirish\ per la VRIDE PRO.

La modifica è abbastanza radicale, quindi consiglio a tutti di aggiornare la vostra installazione prima del prossimo volo.

Lo zip si trova al seguente indirizzo:

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Dear Friends,

after 2 month of test I'm happy to inform you that the VBrain is ready to fly.

The platform is a result of 4 years of work on ARM autopilot platform. It's last evolution of Multipilot32 platform. I'm very happy that this is the year of ARM and we are here to present our last creation : Simple , Smaller and Ready to Use.

VBrain is a good choose for OEM ready to use hardware platform.

The VBrainautopilot features include:

  • 168Mhz ARM CortexM4F microcontroller with DSP and floating-point hardware acceleration.
  • 1024KiB of flash memory, 192KiB of RAM.
  • MEMS accelerometer and gyro, magnetometer and barometric pressure sensor.
  • 8 RC Input standard PPM , PPMSUM , SBUS
  • 8 RC Output at 490 hz
  • 1 integrated high speed data flash for logging data
  • 1 Can bus 2 i2c Bus
  • 3 Serial port available  one for GPS 1 for serial option 1 for serial telemetry.
  • 3 digital switch (ULN2003).
  • Jtag support for onboard realtime debugger.
  • 1 Buzzer output.
  • 1 Input for control lipo voltage
  • Include in the standard Vbrain Package there is VBrain GPS module , the module support MTEK 3329 gps , Ublox module , Fastrak IT600. On the module is available optional magnetometer. You can disconnect the board and put it far from brushless motoros to solve the problem of noise on mag signal.
  • Physical Dimension 6x4 cm
  • Will be available a case


It's first Universal Arm hardware platform . On it is available different kind of firmware : Open or Closed source . The main firmware available is Arducopter32 , last revision is 2.7 In the next day will be available a full fly test.
This platform is fully compatible with different kind of RTOS : FreeRtos , ChibiOS , Nuttx , CooxOS .

Our first target when start to develop our hardware platform 2 years ago was to develop a simple and powerfull ide.

We develop VRIDE PRO that is a special distribution customize by FoxTeam and LaserLab guys. The Ide use Eclipse as Editor, GCC as compiler , GDB and OpenOcd as Debugger.

This is the link of ready to use Ide:

The ide support different kind of workspace and library. Our first target was porting all arduino and APM api to ARM platform.


The supported firmware are Arducopter32the last revision available is 2.7 the status of firmware is ready to fly .

The Workspace with last revision of code is available here :

Our Team are working also on PX4 enviroment , first target was to port Arducopter32 on PX4 and PX4 enviroment to Vbrain and MP32Fx platform.

The hardware is compatible also with other opensource firmware as AutoQuad AeroQuad and OpenPilot. A lot of work are doing on IDE and firmware to share it on our platform.
We try to work to a new Opensource Standard based on high performances STM32F4 micro controller.


The price for VBRAIN with GPS Board (MTEK 3329 rev) developer revision  is 199 euro.

It's also available a ready to use board with 3 days of support by team viewer at 270 euro.

There is also available a oem version of product.

We are Ready for pre order the first batch of production will be available in 3 weeks some sample is yet available.


For more info about VBrain  contact us at or by skype our nick is virtualrobotix



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