Entries for Sparkfun's 2011 Autonomous Vehicle Competition are now open. The event is on April 23rd in Boulder, Colorado at Sparkfun HQ. This is the third year of the AVC. In the first year a DIY Drones team came in first, in the second year we (Doug Weibel!) came in second. Let's not make this an arithmetic pattern!
Here are the new rules for aircraft. Looks like precision landings, low altitude, and autonomous (no hands) take-offs will be winning tactics. Hello, quadcopters!
Air Vehicle Rules:
Must also go around all four exterior walls of the building.
The lap time will be calculated from when the Judge says 'Go' to when the plane comes to a halt in the back parking lot. A landing (autonomous or manned) outside the rear parking lot will disqualify the lap time.
Weather permitting, balloons on long freaking strings will be launched from the four corners of the building. The balloons will serve as guides for the judges/competitors as to the location of the corners/walls of which the non-ground vehicles must circumnavigate.
Regardless of weather/wind, the vehicles must clear the four exterior walls/corners of the building (not the balloons), verification of clearing the vertical plane will be up to the four line judges.
Autonomous take off is worth a 10 second reduction from raw time.
Wheel carriages are allowed for aircraft that don't have their own wheels. Human assisted take-off (throwing a plane) is not considered autonomous.
Autonomous landing (coming to a halt) within the indicated box is worth a 30 second reduction in time
Within SFE back lot parking area (not in the box, but must be on our blacktop) gets a 10 second reduction in raw time.
Time reductions will also be awarded for the three planes that have the lowest peak altitude. To calculate this altitude, SFE will have devices available (likely made up of DEV-09530, SEN-09694 and PRT-00731, came in at 6.71g), weighing no more that 15 grams, to be placed on the UAV by the Judge via double-sided tape on the day of the race. A 60 second reduction goes to the lowest peak, 30 seconds for the second lowest, and 15 seconds for the third lowest. Competitors may also opt not to carry these devices and forego the possibility of a reduced time.
Together with a friend would like to build a heavy tricopter. We plan on using motors giving 6 kg thrust each. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?ThanksPerry
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Building and testing platform for transport and recovery sensors in sensitive area, remember, this is only a game!
This project was born from the need to provide my aircraft with a RF system transmission autonomous to identify their location in emergency condition, this condition must be remote and connected only failure all the systems on board. The area where I work does not allow to rely on the GPS system,the signal of this is not sufficient in a large area when the aircraft is grounded. For this reason I decided to develop a low cost Beacon that allows me to identify the exact point of transmission to more than 2km from the starting position in the worst condition, for example the source transmission located in dense forest. The natural history of this project required me to build a system economical to transport this system in a point of 2km away and not accurate position. so I decided to build a replica of the V2 missile with release system parachute assisted with barometric system. The platform used for transportation is a Aeroplane, the model is FunCub Multiplex.
Design and construction of the beacon system :
The important objectives of this system is: 1) Reliable 2) Light 3) Resistant to mechanical stress 4) Significant autonomy 5) Powerful 6) Must not interfere with the avionics of the model
I tested many different MCU and RF modules to minimize consumption.
Some photos of the construction phase ...
Power systemused was composed of3 cellLi-Powith a capacity of150 mA/h for averifiedautonomyof12 h from thebeginning of theRF transmission.
Thetotal weight of battery unit is12g.
Assembled battery pack.
The MCU is a PIC16F88, a microcontroller that I had in my lab. You can use a wide variety of MCU depending on what resources are required and available in your laboratory. The main problem is to reduce consumption, which is essential use a proper method of programming. In my case, the MCU is used to analyze the condition of aircraft avionic and in case there is an emergency condition after a certain time enables the transmission of the RF module. On board of the V2 the MCU ( Atmega ) communicates with the MCU beacon system and generates the control signals. The unusual construction technique ensures a low weight Hardware
and a high resistance to mechanical stress. The box is constructed of a Depron multilayer material.
In the other sideis located themodulated AM Aurel RF modulealsodecided aboutthisfor low power
andwide range ofsupply voltage.The complete system weighsonly22g with battery andhas
transmissioncapacityfor 12hat 50mWRFpower.
The complete systemon the balance.
Thedirectional antennais derivedfrom this project:http://www.missilistica.it/laserteam/yagi1.htmThis antennais homemadeand designedoriginallyfor use withradio localization systemstherefore suitable. Is compact,robustand withproperRFband.I usea scanner ICOMas a receiverbut alsoin this case
Day of the mission: Forthe mission I identifiedsuitableareaandmadeseveral expeditions.
Thetargetareawasguarded by my two friendsto preventaccessby unauthorized parties.Was prepareda list of tasks and controlsto be performedto leave nothingto chance! Any problemswould abortthe mission!
Myfriendswere orderedto keepclear of thearea and tell meorder ofrelease
whentheaircraftwas flyingsoasto avoid anymistake onmy partevaluationinan instrumental.Afterreleaseand landingthesewere to go toa meeting areawhereImetaftertherescue mission, this is the onlysupport at mymission.
This tiny drone is able to do completely automatic flights, it can perform altitude hold (based on sonar sensor) and obstacle avoiding based on IR distance sensors (you could see the "black stange eyes" on the photo). It´s your personal droid...
Look at the video (the "tennis game" part it´s funny. Thanks to Ramon for the idea!!)
There are some new features in this thrid part... This is the list:
For outdoor configuration:
- GPS library support (actually UBLOX or NMEA)
- Position hold based on GPS
For indoor configuration:
- 4x IR distance sensors to detect obstacles (1.5m range)
- Obstacle avoiding (using distance sensors)
- Altitude hold based on Sonar (LV-EZ0)
- Automatic flight pattern (experimental).
--- Automatic takeoff
--- Position hold [outdoor] or obstacle avoiding [indoor] during a predefined time
--- Automatic descend
--- Automatic landing
- Added XBee for telemetry (and debug)
And some improvements in the code:
- New "radio test mode" to test radio equipment
- Revised control routines
For the GPS position hold I had to implement the navigation algorithms for the quadcopter because it´s really different that the one used for planes...For this navigation it´s necesary to have the magnetometer to cancel the yaw drift in hover conditions. One thing I have observed is that you can only fly this tiny drone on very calm days because it´s too light for the wind... so it´s better suitted as an indoor drone. Then I started to think how to make a cheap way to navigate on indoor enviroments... I have one sharp IR disntace sensor so I start making some tests mounting the sensor in a servo to make a 180º scan. The idea was to mount 2 (or 4) of this sensors in the moving head. On the tests I found that in this little machine the moving head caused some inestability, so I decided to mount 4 sensors in a fixed way. OK, this the cheap DIY version of an EXPENSIVE laser range finder, but it works...
there are many thing to improve and test, but it´s a promising start...
Sonar module is an LV-EZ0. Because we don´t have any analog input available I use the PWM interface in a Port Change pin (PCINT20) to use an interrupt to read the sensor. (It´s recommended some solder skills to make this modification).
For the IR range finder (Sharp GP2Y0A02) I needed to use a separate Arduino Pro mini (again we don´t have any analog input free). This module connects to the ArduIMU via Serial port so we need to choose between GPS of range finder (outdoor-indoor decision).
On this III part, the hardware (ArduIMU) really show it´s limits... it´s not a problem of CPU power, it´s a problem of the limited I/O as I said before, so it´s time to move to the big brother, the newArduPilot MegaHardware... this new platform will be fantastic for this projects...
Behind the scenes
During the test of position hold I have some crashes (nothing important, only some broken propellers...) and there was a moment in that the quad performs not so good, so I start searching the reason. Again I suspect that it could be a vibrations problem so I decided to make a modified code to test the vibration on each motor.
As you can see I have problems on left motor, so I change this prop, also add a new layer of doubled sided foam tape to the ArduIMU and problem gone.
Respect to the IR distance sensor, the first version was a moving head with a servo but this had some problems with vibrations that affect stability and also has a poor scanning rate, here is a photo of this prototype. Finally I decided to use 4 fixed sensors.
Some parts of this codes are still experimental but you can get it here:
AVC was great fun and even though I went for broke on the last run and lost my copter, it was well worth it. I learned a lot about copter navigation. The latest code includes all of the updates, which is being tested now by Jack Dunkle.
Run 1 went really well. In turn 1 you can see the copter overshot the waypoint. Crosstrack error pulled the copter back to the desired path and kept it from being blown into the building from the high winds. The sonar altitude hold was working really well. Later the wind would pick up and make the copter go higher than sonar, which made it susceptible to an altitude hold bug. More on that later...
Each waypoint was hit perfectly, even though the copter tended to go too fast (17mph) and overshoot. At Turn 4 the copter buzzed the crowd at about 6 feet. Thankfully everyone ducked. Then the copter went to position hold for 4 seconds to settle down before going to land. Unfortunately this area was really windy and the copter was blown towards a tree. I had to abort by popping the copter up by 50 feet.
At that point I thought I would try and finish the mission by landing in Auto. Unfortunately, I had set the mission to reset on entering Auto. It began to re-fly the mission at about 100ft now. It hit turn 1, then a gust of wind grabbed it on the way to turn 2. That wind was 50MPH.
I was able to recover the copter this time. But the next two runs were not so lucky.
Run 2 went bad quickly. The wind shifted and lifted the copter above sonar range almost immediately. The baro alt hold bug kept it from coming back down properly. The wind above the building was gusty and blew the copter to the front of the building. Then a loose battery fell out of the copter... Because the motors were now free spinning, it auto_rotated to an upright landing from > 100 ft. The landing gear - plastic heli skids were partially broken, but it was otherwise in perfect shape. I should've taken the hint and called it a day, but run three was my last chance to finish.
Run 3:
It looked identical to run 2, except the copter kept climbing and the high winds just swept it away.
Anyway, much learned and code updated. I am trying a rate limited version of waypoint navigation. The idea is that the copter will want to travel at a certain speed towards the waypoint. This enables it to fight high winds by flying steep angles. It will also make overruns more predictable.
Once these new updates are tested, I'll open up the code to a public beta.
The project "ArdUFO : un drone au service de tous" was selected during the December holidays for being presented at the "Palais de la découverte" at Paris, on February 9th 2013, as part of the "Olympiades de Physique France" contest.
The UAV was created thanks to Roberto Navoni and his magnificent card : VR BRain !
The day ended with the awards ceremony. After some speeches of the selection board, the awards were finally released, and we finished with a second price !
We now decided to continue with the C.Génial contest, to perform our project.
Hello everyone, a year and a half ago came Multipilot 1.0 an inertial platform for applications and semi-professional hobby. After the excellent results obtained from the marketing of these cards, and participation in development projects as open source and Aeroquad Arducopter and 'born www.virtualrobotix.com community. Today our community is proud to present the evolution of our project: Multipilot 2.0 ST.
today i recived 100 Multipilot32 CPU , in the next day will start to ship the Multipilot32 to DevCoreTeam and customers that are wayting it.
I'm very happy to start to work with your help at this greatfull project.
Tomorrow will present and discuss with you official roadmap of project. If you want to join us will be online with a Online Seminar from 22.00 (CET) Rome TIME.
In last two months we are working to new special console for control our drone , gimbal , rc models ... we develop a special application on android and some hardware interface for interconnect different kind of tx radio module. Our idea is to virtualize the hardware interface and have a flexible enviroment for control different kind of application.
This is only a preview of our work in the picture above is possible to see the direct interface with Jeti radio tx module.
In this kind of configuration the VR Droid PAD connect directly by a custom hardware the Jeti Tx module.
So is possible to use same reciver on your drone without change it.
VR Droid RC is software that turns your Android smartphone or your pad into a powerful digital remote control for use with your radio model. Is designed to be used on Rover or Drones or professional use. It 'sa project dynamic and evolving based on feedback from users of our community: www.virtualrobotix.com
The main features are: - Ability to manage up to 8 channels. - 4 Channel standard for management ROLL, PITCH, YAW and Throttle.
- Auto Repositioning of 2 main stick when you put the finger on the screen.
- 5 additional channels of digital or analog. - Management of the minimum and maximum for each channel. - Management Trim - Management subtrim. - Reverse channel management. - Configuration management esponeziali on standard channels. - Management of up to two simultaneous feedback with vibration and sound feedback to throttle on the second audio output. - Management mode 1,2,3,4 as standard RC trasmitter. PPMSUM standard output compatible with the most 'popular radio modules tx. Manages two modes: configuration and live to allow the maximum fluidity of the commands and the maximum configurability by users.
The current version is a preview suitable only for beta testing use it carefully.
Check the forum for have more detail about the application development
If anyone want to share their experiences testing/using this app, or want to discuss anything in my blog post´s this forum thread can be used here we add also the schematics of op amp for interface VR Radio RC to your pad.
1) New name , we change the name to application the old was VR DROID RC Trasmitter , we change it in VR Radio RC , more simple , we change also the link in google play:)
2) We deactivate the limit inside the application and add some special function for customize the widget available on main screen , we prefer mantain priority on control of drone . So on the scrreen you choose to have only virtual stick.
3) Add the configuration of radius of virtual stick it's customizable directly inside the option pannel.
4) Improve Option pannel its more simple and better organized.
5) Add the Expo control for the stick.
5) Add feeback on 3 channel : gas ( on 1 speaker channel) and pitch (on vibro) is fixed and you can add 1 other feedback and decide if is on yaw or roll on vibro .
This is the link at : Vr Radio RC rev 1.4 in google play :
two years ago i developed a closed source Brushless Controller. It's based on ATmega 8 and support i2c,PWM,Serial Port. The ESC support until 20 Amp and the electronic is present a shunt resistor to evaluate the quantity of energy that the motor need in realtime.
So now I would to port a Arduino bootloader to this board and develop an opensoure code for it.
But i need help for this project ... There're some people that would join me in this project ? That's is good choice for Multipilot 2.0 / Ardupilot 32 platform.
Posted by Roberto Navoni on September 20, 2010 at 5:00am
Hello everyone, in this video you can see the first pre-flight testing on the new HG3.2 the airplane has the following features: Created by Joseph D'Angelo Hardware and firmware development: Roberto Navoni Electronic Edge: Ardubotix 1.0A (Multipilot) Wheelbase: 1.65 m Maximum dimensions: 2.60 x 2.60 m V2 Version: hybrid Electric Motor: Hacker A60 Petrol Engine: Zenoah Blades: SAB Composite Frame: DIYRead more…
During this holidays i finish the port of HIL functionality on Multipilot32 .
On the picture you can see my hil configuration :
FOX 5 Frame.
Serial interconnection with my PC
On the Pc there is Mission planner rev 1.1.18 and AerosimRC or Xplane.
This is the first video tutorial of first flight this revision is in Italian , but is simple to understand what i'm doing .. i hope to have some times for recording an Eng. revision , or if a member of our community would doing his video is welcome :)
I use Camtasia to video screen capture . It work fine and not change performance of simulator.
The code is available on repo this is the direct link :
after my last fly in stable mode i update the i2c libs for compass and barometer , now is better of older versions so i can upgrade main core loop to 800 hz instead of standard 200 hz .
Above the resutls of my first automatic flight , i'm very happy of this first result .. i start to use the performances of our Multipilo32 Arm Cortex M4 processors.
European FoxTeam are doing the first test of Quadfox in Acro mode. We're doing some looping. The Quad Pilot is Giuseppe D'Angelo FoxTeam member the Father of HG3 .
In the video He explain how is possible to do looping with QuadFox v3 . At the end of looping for stabilize Quad he use switch to put quad in stable mode.
Stay tuned :
This is the Official thread : http://www.virtualrobotix.com/forum/topics/multipilot-20-ap32-building