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VR Copter Landing Gear now we have a new Option for our new frame. (raw video from VR LAB)

This video is doing by our VRGimbal user VR Gimbal with Sony 3D HXRNX3D1U ( 720 gr)  in handeld mode

This is a video using complete VRGimbal with Panasonic GH2

..and this is another video of the same copter (in HD)



Dear Friends,

after first batch of board available only for developer and hard work on firmware , hardware and software  we are ready for end user :)

These are specification of our : VR Gimbal :

Micro Controller is STM32F1 at 72 mhz.

3 Axis Brushless Direct Drive gimbal :

  • Roll    (MOT1)
  • Pitch  (MOT2)
  • Yaw    (MOT3)

For each channel we have 3 high power pwm 5 Amp output .

I2C IMU that support 3 axis . It  is on camera module , so we can know exactly the position of camera and control in realtime the 3 Brushless motors. MPU6050 (6 DOF) + HMC5883 (3 DOF)

1 USB port.

1 Serial port that support mavlink protocol.

1 Power module that support until 3S battery.

4 Radio RC Input for :

  • Control ROLL Setup.
  • Control Pitch Setup.
  • Control YAW Setup.
  • IR control repeater.

4 Analog Input 0-3.3v

1 IR Out , so is pssible to control a remote camera by its ir receiver.

On new revision 2.0 we add :

  • customizable push buton.
  • support for motors ampere  monitor for each motors.
  • Very intuitive Firmware update tools.
  • Simple and powerfull VR Gui for VR Gimbal configuration.
  • Serial driver on USB port.
  • A complete and updated wiki repository with media gallery with last video from our user.


In this video is possible see the utility available for measure the current used by different kind of motors. This feature is very usefull for evaluate the specification of motors.


Is available a new tools for firmware update you can found more detail here  :

Last revision of code is 1.0.5 this is good for end user all function of standard brushless gimbal is available and is possible also to manage the 3th axe using rc radio. This firmware is a porting and BruGi_049B_r161

  • Completed PID mode on Roll and Pitch, with support of RC commands.
  • Manual (RC) mode (to be used on Yaw for now) working but requires improvement.
  • USB serial support (see vers. 1.04)

more info is available here :

The firmware is opensource the repo is available here :

So if you want to join in development you are welcome .


This is a screenshot of VR Gimbal Gui developed using .net technology, so could be work also using mono on mac and linux , test on that platform is welcome ,you can connect directly by usb to VR Gimbal or by radio link as 3dr module , blueetooth or other ttl wireles adapter :



With VRGimbal is possible to control this kind of gimbal ;

Handheld and Air Drone Gimbal 2-3axis Entry level gopro gimbal.

Handheld and Air Drone Gimbal 2-3axis Heavy dslr gimbal.


This is an example of video doing by our user of VRGimbal on heavy dslr gimbal :

This is official thread in virtualrobotix community is here join us for have more info and support :

For reserve and pre order your VR Gimbal 2.0 board send a mail here :

The first board will be available in begin of September we have only 70 boards available at stock for our user.

We can also support our user in custom development  on oem - odm gimbal hardware or firmware contact us for more detail.

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First VRBRAIN female pilot

Straight from Marco Robustini's UAV piloting school here is the first video of his new pupil: Valentina Russo.

Must say she earned Marco's bravery in flying such a big Quad...

She is Flying VRBRAIN of course on Marco's custom quad.

Bravi Valentina and Marco!

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Debug VRbrain con ARM-USB-OCD-H by Olimex

Cercherò di spiegare come sono riuscito a configurare il debugger Jtag.

I will try to explain how I managed to configure the JTAG debugger.


Youtube video :



1)Sistema di sviluppo VrBrain (eclipse etc.) installato e funzionante

2)Il debugger Jtag OLIMEX ARM-USB-OCD-H

3)Cavo di collegamento debugger -> Vrbrain.


Prerequisites:1) System development VrBrain (eclipse etc.) Installed and running2) The JTAG debugger OLIMEX ARM-USB-OCD-H3) Connection cable for debugger -> Vrbrain.


Incominciamo dal cavo, il pin-out da seguire e il seguente :

Let's start from the cable, the pin-out to follow and the following:


VRBRAIN                                            DeBugger

3V3  (01) --------------------- (01) VREF
GND  (03) --------------------- (04) GND
GND  (05) --------------------- (06) GND
GND  (07) --------------------- (08) GND
GND  (09) --------------------- (10) GND
TMS  (02) --------------------- (07) TMS
TCK  (04) --------------------- (09) TCK
TDO  (06) --------------------- (13) TDO
TDI  (08) --------------------- (05) TDI
TRST (10) --------------------- (03) TRST 


Il secondo passaggio e configurare Eclipse per poter utilizzare il nostro debugger.

Per cui

1° HELP-->Install New Software installare dalla sorgente :  Zylin - il plugin Zylin Embedded CDT

2° Installare il pacchetto Olimex ODS IDE scaricabile dal sito olimex

3° Scaricare la verione 0.7 del OpenOCD dal sito  (Questo perche le Openocd fornite da Olimex non sono aggiornate a questa versione che supporta il processore della vrbrain.)

4° Sconpattare il file appena scaricato nella cartella C:\OlimexODS\openocd-0.6.1 (Se avete mantenuto i path standard) in questo modo sfrutteremo le nuove librerie e file di configurazione della cpu.

5° Aggiungere al Path di sistema "C:\OlimexODS\openocd-0.6.1\scripts\chip\st\stm32"


The second step and configure Eclipse to use our debugger.whereby HELP -> Install New Software install from source: Zylin - the plugin Zylin Embedded CDT Install the package Olimex ODS IDE downloaded from the website olimex3° Download the 0.7 version of OpenOCD from the site 3Aopenocd-0.7.0

(This is because the OpenOCD provided by Olimex are not updated to this version that supports the processor vrbrain.) Unzip the file you just downloaded into the folder C:\OlimexODS\openocd-0.6.1 (If you kept the standard path) in this way we will use the new libraries and configuration files of the cpu. Add to System Path "C:\OlimexODS\openocd-0.6.1\scripts\chip\st\stm32"


Adesso Iniziamo a configurare il Debugger di Eclipse :


1° -->External Tool Configuretor

2° New Launch Configurator ... vi allego le immagini delle varie schermate e copiatevi i parametri.


Now begin to configure the Eclipse Debugger:  --> External Tool Configuretor New Launch Configurator ... I am attaching pictures of the various screens and copy the parameters.







3° Inpostiamo il Debug Configurator ... vi allego le immagini ... copiate i parametri.

 Set the Debug Build ... I am attaching pictures ... copied parameters.







target remote localhost:3333
monitor reset halt
monitor wait_halt
monitor sleep 100
monitor poll
monitor flash protect 0 0 11 off
load build/laserlab_MP32V1F4.elf
monitor sleep 200



symbol-file  build/laserlab_MP32V1F4.elf
monitor soft_reset_halt
monitor wait_halt
monitor poll
set breakpoint auto-hw on
info breakpoint


12232300658?profile=original12232300854?profile=original12232300886?profile=original4° Ora create nella directory C:\vr-universal-ide\workspaces\UF4_AP\ACopter32_2.7_Beta1_VRBRAIN un file project.cfg con il notepad il testo seguente

Now create the directory C:\vr-universal-ide\workspaces\UF4_AP\ACopter32_2.7_Beta1_VRBRAIN project.cfg a file with notepad the following


# Find the board config file in the scripts/board/  directory

gdb_memory_map enable
gdb_flash_program enable

source [find scripts/board/olimex_stm32_e407.cfg]


(per inciso questo file di conf richiama soltanto il scripts/target/stm32f4x.cfg che e quello che ci serve ... )

5° ora editiamo il file C:\OlimexODS\openocd-0.6.1\scripts\target\stm32f4x.cfg  perchè i nostri amici di Openocd si sono dimenticati due volete un '3' ... quindi vi allego il testo del file da sostituire all originale


(this conf file only addresses the scripts/target/stm32f4x.cfg and that what we need ...) now edit the file C:\OlimexODS\openocd-0.6.1\scripts\target\stm32f4x.cfg because our friends OpenOCD they forgot two want a '3 '... then I am attaching the text of the file to be replaced to original


# script for stm32f4x family

if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {


} else {

set _CHIPNAME stm32f4x


if { [info exists ENDIAN] } {


} else {

set _ENDIAN little


# Work-area is a space in RAM used for flash programming

# By default use 64kB

if { [info exists WORKAREASIZE] } {


} else {

set _WORKAREASIZE 0x10000


# JTAG speed should be <= F_CPU/6. F_CPU after reset is 8MHz, so use F_JTAG = 1MHz


# Since we may be running of an RC oscilator, we crank down the speed a

# bit more to be on the safe side. Perhaps superstition, but if are

# running off a crystal, we can run closer to the limit. Note

# that there can be a pretty wide band where things are more or less stable.

adapter_khz 1000

adapter_nsrst_delay 100

jtag_ntrst_delay 100

#jtag scan chain

if { [info exists CPUTAPID] } {


} else {

# See STM Document RM0090

# Section 32.6.2 - corresponds to Cortex-M4 r0p1

set _CPUTAPID 0x4ba00477


jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id $_CPUTAPID

if { [info exists BSTAPID] } {


} else {

# See STM Document RM0090

# Section 32.6.3

set _BSTAPID 0x06413041


jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME bs -irlen 5 -expected-id $_BSTAPID


target create $_TARGETNAME cortex_m3 -endian $_ENDIAN -chain-position $_TARGETNAME

$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE -work-area-backup 0


flash bank $_FLASHNAME stm32f2x 0 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME

# if srst is not fitted use SYSRESETREQ to

# perform a soft reset

cortex_m3 reset_config sysresetreq






Ora per fare il debug lanciate dal menu di eclipse "external Tool" la configurazione creata prima con il nome ARM-USB-OCD-H, ricordatevi che il debugger deve essere collegato alla vr-brain sul connettore jtag, la vrbrain deve essere alimentata ... e il ponticello per entrare nella modalità "download firmware" non deve essere rimosso.


Fatto questo lanciate da Eclipse il debugger STM32 che abbiamo creato prima e voilà ... compilazione del codice, creazione del file, download del firmware su vrbrain, reset tutto in automatico .... e ... buon debug a tutti.


P.s I breakpoint non si possono mettere nei file arduino .pde ... per ora io sto inserendo i breakpoint nella main.cpp che e un file cpp nativo e che viene generato in automatico dal make ... in pratica unisce in un unico file tutt i file arduino. Messi li i breakpoint funzionano correttamente e potete interrompere dove volete l'esecuzione della vrbrain e controllarvi le variabili etc.

Con l'ausilio di Roberto e Emile stiamo cercando di ovviare al problema.


Now to debug launch menu eclipse "external tool" created before the configuration with the name ARM-USB-OCD-H, remember that the debugger must be connected to the JTAG connector on the vr-brain, the vrbrain must be supplied. .. and the bridge to enter the mode "download firmware" should not be removed.Once this is done run the debugger from Eclipse STM32 we created earlier and voila ... compiling your code, create the file, download the firmware on vrbrain, reset all automatically .... and ... good debugging at all.Ps. you can not put breakpoints in files arduino. Pde ... for now I'm inserting breakpoints in the cpp file main.cpp which is a native that is generated automatically by the make ... in practice combines into a single file tall files arduino. In this way the breakpoints work properly and you can stop where you want the execution and control you vrbrain and variables etc..With the help of Emile and Roberto we are trying to remedy the problem.



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In the video we present the development process of new technologies within the VR Lab.


The first step is to evaluate different potential ideas at this stage and a lot of importance 'given to the design, Italy  known for great design studios and even within our group we have creative people who represent the future of italian design, the best choice is to be able to develop a mechanical level the product, check through the simulation that the drone is able to withstand the stresses to which it will be subjected during the flight and then verify the integration of the mechanical components with electronic ones.


Once you've designed the drone virtually, we make the first prototypes with 3D printers and carry out flight tests and validation.


A long and complex process but in the end a great satisfaction to see a materialized our dream.


Ready for pre-order Fall 2013!!! ;-)

more info will be available in the next weeks


Roberto Navoni

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My new CTX4 V2 frame

Inspired by Robertos "open top" frame I have modified my CTX4 frame design to get open top and top mounted LiPo CTX4 V2


Some Pictures created using SketchUp


The frame uses 16mm carbon tubes and tube clamps from


Have moved the LiPo plate to show the open top.

In this frame I plan to use a GoPro or other small camera in the front as FPV cam.
If I want to use it for film/photo, I mount a landing gear that have a brushless gimbal and VR Gimbal Controller.


Here is my CTX4 V1 that was used in my loiter test video


I plan to use:

Step 1

VR Brain 4.5  (+ external IMU when it is supported)
APM 2.5 Power module to get 5V and measure LiPo voltage and ampere usage

3DR 433Mhz telemetry radio modules
30A SimonK ESC

Step 2
FPV camera and 5,8Ghz TX

Step 3
Landing gear
Brushless gimbal (GoPro)
VR Gimbal Controller


Step 4
2 way video switch, so I can switch between FPV and GoPro using a radioswitch.


Step 5



If any interest, I plan to create a build log where I describe things step by step in a way so new user may find some help + make a forum thread where you can ask questions or give me hints about what I should do another way (I´m not a pro)



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Dear Friends
in this video I present the first flights made ​​with the new frame designed by Virtualrobotix.
The frame drawn using last generation 3D Cad , is made of carbon fiber and aluminum.
The frame is designed for users who want to have a frame strong, lightweight, reliable and easily customizable.
The version presented in the video and 'the naked version, we are also ending the production of the cover.


This is a render of cover developed for VR Copter X4-8


The current configuration of the drone is:

  • VR Brain 4.5
  • GPS 3DR
  • Arducopter32 rev 3.0.4 Firmware
  • 4 ESC Turnigy 30 AMP with firmware SIMONK
  • 4 Engines MK 3638
  • 4 Props APC 12 can 'mount up to helices 14-15
  • Zippy 5800 mah battery support until 10000 mah 3S 
  • GoPro hero3 white.
  • Futaba radio module with Jety 7-channel PPM.
  • Is possible to implement the VR Copter also as coaxial X8 as in the render 

All electronics  mounted on six dampers it is easily removable and can be inspected.
The battery is mounted above the distribution board to limit the vibrations transmitted to the VRBrain 4.5


Weight without GoPro and 1490 grams without battery
Take-off weight of 2068 grams including battery and GoPro
Flight time from 5800 mah battery with 14 min of flight with 70% of battery used.
The final version of the frame should weigh 150-200 grams less.

The maximum payload is 1 kg .
The frame will be available in kit form in the month of September.

We are working also to some option as VR Gimbal frame for GOPRO and small DSLR.


I Fly this frame for 2 hours with my VRBrain 4.5 and firwmare Arducopter32 rev 4.0 

The results is very impressive , the loiter is great , return to home ,too :) 

See the video .... 

If you have some suggestions about the frame are welcome :)

for more info :



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In the video I tested Loiter mode

Tested normal manual flight, alt hold, loiter and land - all Works fine

Alt hold and Loiter was impressive

In this test I used PPMSUM from my RX module

The CTX4 quad used in the test

T-motor 10" prop used. The motor Mounts/tube clamps have rubber rings to help reduce vibrations form the motors.

The VR Brain Controller is separated/vibration isolated from the frame using rubber Mounts (like the ones used on many camera gimbals, but smaller and softer) + soft pads

The motors are iPower MultiMate 2012 1000kv.
When using 4000mAh 3cell LiPo I get 12-14 min before the VR Brain LiPo alarm starts.

I plan to make one more frame CTX4L (large) - that have larger motors and can use up to 12" props. Have ordered the New VR Brain 4.5 + IMU to use on this one.
On that frame I´m going to Mount my VR Gimbal Controller and GoPro gimbal.

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Dear Friends,

this is the first images from VR Lab . In these pictures you can see our entry level frame VR CopterX4-8

The frame make using good materials as Carbon Fiber and Ergal .

The frame configuration was an idea of Flavio Taborelli , that inside Virtualrobotix.IT  is the CTO of  mechanical department. This frame doing 2000 hours of flight without chrash so we decide to use this approach for develop our affordable frame.




On a Ready to Fly revision of Drone you can put :

  • VR Brain 4.5 as flight controller .
  • VR IMU Gold.
  • UBlox GPS
  • 4 or 8 x 30 Amp SimonK VR ESC
  • 4 or 8 T-Motors
  • 4 or 8 Propellers until 13''
  • 3DR telemetry link
  • Battery until 10'000 mah 3S-6S


FPV version

  • Video TX for FPV
  • Micro Camera for FPV with servo motor for control the pitch of view.

Observer revision .



The production of this  frame will be start at the end of August .

The main advantage is that is a fully customizable and available as DIY KIT on in RTF configuration. This kind of frame is very good for hacking is possible to customize the cover with your color or layout : 




or fully customize your frame  this is an example :


All the frame is developed inside VR Lab using advanced mechanical 3D Cad.


In the next week will be some updates about the status of the project.

If you need more info or have suggestions we are happy to disucss with you about our  last VR Copter

if you like our project Support our work and join us on facebook community :)










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